COTECCONS CONSTRUCTION JOINT STOCK COMPANY (Coteccons) hereby announces the conclusion of the dispute case No. 49/23/HCM regarding the payment obligation to BOHO DECOR COMPANY LIMITED (Boho).  

In the time of 2020, Coteccons and Boho had signed and implemented Contracts in which Boho was the subcontractor for Coteccons in designing, supplying, and finishing the interior of the construction investment projects (Phase implemented by the former leadership).  

On April 18, 2023, Boho sent a document requesting Coteccons to pay approximately VND 44 billion related to the transactions in the above-mentioned period. When reviewing the records and legal documents, Coteccons found that making the payment as requested by Boho would affect the rights and interests of shareholders. The reasons are: (i) The documents attached to Boho’s payment request lack a legal basis and it is impossible to determine the amount to be paid; (ii) the signed Contracts are transactions with related parties but have not been approved by competent authorities in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Enterprises and the Law on Securities; (iii) The State Securities Commission has issued a decision to impose administrative sanctions on the types of transactions with related parties that occurred during the above-mentioned period.  

In the spirit of cooperation, Coteccons has repeatedly proposed to organize a meeting for the two parties to clarify Boho’s payment request and provide documents proving the payment value. However, Boho has decided to file a lawsuit at the Vietnam International Arbitration Center, Ho Chi Minh City Branch (“VIAC“).  

Throughout the hearings of the Arbitral Tribunal under VIAC, Coteccons has taken legal actions to object because the procedure for establishing the Arbitral Tribunal did not comply with the provisions of the law, and at the same time requested a review of the transparency and signing authority of the Contracts between Boho and Coteccons; however, these requests were not accepted by the Arbitral Tribunal.  

On January 2, 2024, the Arbitral Tribunal issued an Arbitral Award determining that Coteccons must pay Boho the principal debt of VND 21,989,723,400 together with other fees, instead of the approximately VND 44 billion as requested by Boho above.  

On February 2, 2024, Coteccons filed a petition with the Ho Chi Minh City Court requesting the annulment of the Arbitral Award for the reasons mentioned above. On July 19, 2024, Coteccons received the Decision of the Ho Chi Minh City Court dismissing Coteccons’s request and requiring the implementation of the Arbitral Award.  

In the spirit of the rule of law, Coteccons will comply with the content of the decision of the competent authority arcording to Law.  

Once again, we would like to affirm that Coteccons always places the motto “Creating a positive impact on society” with the factor of “Humanity” at the forefront. On the basis of mutual benefit and based on the principle of the rule of law, Coteccons always ensures payment when the related parties have made transactions that give rise to payable debts, but must strictly comply with the conditions of the signed Contracts and the provisions of the Law; if there are any arising transaction amounts with sufficient evidence, we are ready to cooperate to resolve issues related to the economic contract between Coteccons and its partners.  

This is the way for Coteccons to demonstrate transparency and commitment to protecting the interests of shareholders, investors, and partners.  

Best regards, 


Hanoi, July 16, 2024, Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (HoSE: CTD) and Daewoo Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. signed a memorandum of understanding on international cooperation with the aim of jointly developing potential project opportunities in the construction sector in the global market (including Vietnam).  Representative of Daewoo E&C (right) and representative of Coteccons (left) at the MOU ceremony Accordingly, Daewoo and Coteccons will cooperate in large-scale EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) projects in Vietnam released by the public sector or government-related entities, as well as other EPC projects in the global market where Daewoo participates as the main contractor and intends to subcontract a certain part of the works.  Daewoo and Coteccons will cooperate in EPC projects globally Established in 1973, Daewoo E&C has contributed to the economic development of Korea as well as the world and is a leading enterprise in the construction industry in Korea. With passion, dedication, continuous innovation, and modern technology, Daewoo E&C has successfully invested in and developed many quality projects globally, including architectural, civil engineering, petrochemical, and power generation activities. In addition, Daewoo E&C has chosen Vietnam as a key market to expand its business, realize real estate development projects, and contribute to creating a modern and spacious urban appearance for Vietnam.  Speaking at the signing ceremony, Mr. Jung Won Ju, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Daewoo E&C, expressed: “Today’s signing ceremony is a remarkable milestone for the cooperation between Daewoo E&C and Coteccons. In the international market, we are

Ho Chi Minh City, June 24, 2024 – Fortune magazine, a renowned global business publication, has for the first time released a list of the largest companies in Southeast Asia. Notably, Coteccons, the largest construction company in Vietnam by scale, has been featured in this list for the construction industry.  FORTUNE SOUTHEAST ASIA 500 CONFIRMS COTECCONS’ LEADING POSITION  Fortune Southeast Asia 500, a list of the top 500 largest companies in Southeast Asia, screens companies through a rigorous process. The indexes are collected publicly and transparently through data provided by businesses to competent state agencies and are re-certified by two third-party independent testing organizations, Refinitiv and S&P Global Market Intelligence. Coteccons, recognized as the largest construction company in Vietnam by scale, appearing on this list reaffirms its leading position in the Vietnamese construction industry. This also attests to Coteccons’ impressive business results and financial strength in a transparent manner.  In particular, this recognition comes as Coteccons prepares to conclude its fiscal year on June 30, 2024. The current business growth trend indicates that Coteccons’ revenue is expected to exceed the 2024 target by more than 20,000 billion VND. With pioneering steps, Coteccons has made its mark with sustainable construction projects, including the Pandora factory—Pandora’s largest factory in Southeast Asia, meeting LEED standards; the Lego Factory—Vietnam’s first carbon-neutral factory; the Suntory Pepsi Factory—a project applying the most modern green technology in the Asia-Pacific region; and the Logos Project—a high-quality complex of warehouses, factories, and offices for rent.  SWEET FRUITS FOR

– In support of the Green Vietnam project, Coteccons pledges to donate one green tree for each athlete who completes 5 km. – 11,000 trees in each province will contribute to the goal of planting primary forests in Quang Binh and Quang Tri.   Ho Chi Minh City, June 18, 2024 – Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (HoSE: CTD) in partnership with Tuoi Tre Newspaper, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Long An Province and Dong Tam Company held a Press Conference to announce the launch of the third season of GreenUP Marathon – Long An Half Marathon 2024 with the message “Run beyond the finish line”. The running event is expected to attract more than 4,000 athletes to participate in Can Giuoc District, Long An Province on August 24, 2024, with 3 distances: 5km – 10km – 21km. Accordingly, the Organizing Committee offers a special prize, which is an airplane ticket and a ticket to participate in the Laguna Phuket Marathon, taking place in Thailand in 2025 for the First Male – First Female position at the 21km distance. The first marathon to cross an international port in Vietnam Keeping the criteria of a unique running route, GreenUP Marathon season 3 gives athletes a different experience with a unique running route – through Long An International Port, the export and import center of the Mekong Delta region, or a chance to admire the tallest flagpole in Indochina with a windy view of the Soai Rap river channel,

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