On December 18, the press conference to kick off the program “Xay Tet 2024” (Build Tet 2024) was held at the Headquarters of Nhan Dan Newspaper (Hanoi) by Coteccons and Nhan Dan Newspaper.


Grateful to the vulnerable, “on whose shoulders we stand for economic development”

Mr. Bolat Duisenov, Chairman of the BOD of Coteccons, started the speech with two photos capturing the working moments of workers at the construction site. The photo is beautiful thanks to the effects of sunlight, construction dust, and the majestic space, but behind it is the harsh reality that workers face every day: a heat level of up to 44 degrees Celsius radiating from the aluminum and glass surface, a height of several tens of meters where workers must hang on ropes, etc. What is even more stressful is ensuring the project progresses safely.

“The picture is beautiful, but it is essentially a very hard job. They sacrifice a lot every day,” shared Mr. Bolat

He called construction workers “the most vulnerable group in the construction industry value chain.” They are also the motivation for Coteccons, with the support and co-organization of Nhan Dan Newspaper, to carry out the program “Xay Tet 2024” to bring a warm and happy spring to workers.

Accordingly, “Build Tet 2024″ starts from December 23, 2023, to January 2024 on construction sites across 3 regions of the country, such as Hanoi, Hung Yen, Quang Ninh, Quang Ngai, and Ho Chi Minh City. Minh, Binh Duong…, in which the key activity takes place in Van Giang, Hung Yen, on January 9, 2024. “Build Tet 2024” will give away nearly 17,000 Tet gifts to encourage and motivate workers.

Besides gift-giving activities, Nhan Dan Newspaper and Coteccons will also organize Tet events with many activities, such as organizing haircuts at the construction site for workers, taking instant photos and giving away free tickets or buses back home, conducting medical examinations and health consultations at the construction site,…

“With the “Xay Tet 2024,” we not only take care of our workers but also want to send a message to the entire market about the need to care for the group of workers—the most vulnerable group in the construction chain. After operating for 20 years, we are quite proud to be among the top companies in the market. We want to create a message and appeal to our colleagues in the industry to share and pay more attention to these vulnerable groups.”

Comrade Le Quoc Minh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association (middle)

“Our mission is to create an impact that brings happiness to everyone. One of the first commitments is not to compromise on values that do not ensure worker safety. The next step is to create an impact for everyone by creating a safe working environment. Besides, try to invest in solutions and technology to minimize dangers for workers. Furthermore, we need to promote the meaning of workers’ work.”

“We do not want people to remember how much Coteccons has invested and how many gifts there are, but we only hope that people remember the contributions of our workers, the group of the vulnerable “on whose shoulders we stand for economic development.” I want everyone to recognize their contribution for their own smiles and happiness,” shared Mr. Bolat.

Comrade Le Quoc Minh, Member of the Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Department, and Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists Association, said: “We hope to have the help of businesses, press, and media agencies so that the good values of the “Xay Tet 2024″ spread more strongly and widely in society, contributing to improving the quality of life and happiness index of Vietnamese people, looking forward to a joyful and happy 2024 Dragon Year for all families, and creating new momentum and new motivation to continue successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress.”


The fact that workers protest for wages is like cancer, causing people to lose trust.

I was very impressed with the statement in Coteccons’ introduction video that “We may have to work a bit more, but it will also be a bit more joyful.” Is there any way to make Tet come earlier, but it will also be a bit more joyful? Through the survey, what do the workers feel and what are their wishes?

Ms. Nguyen Trinh Thuy Trang, Chief of Staff: In construction, especially building factories, apartments, and hospitals, progress is one of the big pressures. Just 1 more week, or even 1-2 days, costs will increase a lot, leading to delayed delivery and affecting other value chains. For example, the factory cannot go into operation in time for orders. Or the apartment is not completed on schedule as committed by the investor to the customer, and the school is behind schedule when the back-to-school season arrives. We once completed factory construction in just 2 weeks in time for the investor to produce. That is the nature of the construction industry.

Ms. Nguyen Trinh Thuy Trang, Chief of Staff of Coteccons

For workers, when Tet comes, most people want to go back home early to reunite with their families after a hard year away from home. In that mood, they want to work even faster, leading to labor safety risks. That’s why we have supervisors to always remind workers to ensure labor safety.

This year, when surveying workers’ opinions, Coteccons found that health is their top concern. The first thing we tried to do was bring doctors and machines to screen workers for the risk of occupational diseases. Each worker is the economic breadwinner of the family.

The second is a haircut and photo shoot. For construction workers, it’s not simple that they just take photos with smartphones. Then they don’t have time to prepare for Tet. That’s why we do these activities.

What vision and development does Coteccons have in the long term?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov, Chairman of the BOD of Coteccons: Everyone can see that around this time, many construction workers put up signs demanding wages so they can go home to celebrate Tet. And these actions, no matter who they come from, are destroying the labor market in general and the construction industry in particular. From my perspective, these events are like cancer, making people tired and distrustful.

I see a trend of many construction workers moving to other occupations. Even though the salary is lower, they see it as reliable and certain. As one of the businesses operating in the construction industry, I want to spread respect and responsibility through this program. Behind each worker’s salary is the livelihood of the entire family. We want to contribute to treating this disease.

I also want to express my gratitude to the engineers who have accompanied Coteccons in this program. Besides, there are customers and investors who have compassionate hearts. They share and contribute to this activity so that the meaning of the program is spread.

ESG pioneers in the construction industry

Does the program pay more special attention to female workers to contribute to promoting gender equality? Through this program, what is Coteccons’ long-term vision for sustainable development?

Ms. Nguyen Trinh Thuy Trang, Chief of Staff of Coteccons: At Coteccons and Unicons construction sites, we pursue core values to create a working environment of diversity, fairness, and integration (DEI).

The Tet film represents Coteccons’ thanks to the builders

We create a comfortable working environment for female workers, not only during the Construction Tet program but throughout the year. For example, in the North, in the very hot summer, the Site Manager Board will give hats to female workers, provide iced lemonade, milk, fruit, raincoats, or extra warm clothes in the winter.

Secondly, at all our construction sites, there is a sign with a hotline to receive feedback 24/24, implementing anti-harassment laws, anti-discrimination between men and women, and regions.

Regarding sustainable development strategy, Coteccons sees Nhan Dan Newspaper’s vision of community programs, and we see that the whole system is following the ESG path. Coteccons is honored to accompany. We are committed to a sustainable development strategy that minimizes environmental impact, such as using recycled materials despite their high cost, planting forests over the years, and organizing marathons to mobilize capital to support people’s livelihoods. In addition, our employees also use leftover and old paint to support the community around construction sites through the “Our Home” project.

I want to emphasize that ESG, or sustainable development, is not a movement to build a brand. We take this seriously, through very important counting and counting activities. We have a whole team of experts, devoting 100% of our time to doing this towards the Prime Minister’s NetZero goal.

Over the past two years, we have built the foundation. From 2024 on, we hope Nhan Dan Newspaper will accompany us. In the field of construction, Coteccons is one of the leading businesses and plays the role of a pioneer, creating practices and methods and being willing to share those methods with businesses in the industry. The more people who know and participate, the better.

Mr. Bolat Duisenov, Chairman of the BOD of Coteccons: We do not focus on the number of activities, or the amount of money spent. The most important thing is to create a spread and attract more compassionate hearts. That is the concern of about 2,000 Coteccons engineers. We will continue to research so that the next programs attract hearts, create influence, and spread. It’s important; we don’t do it because it’s trendy.

Mr. Le Quoc Minh and Mr. Bolat Duisenov gave gifts as a thank you for their cooperation and working together to build Tet for workers.

For us, ESG is not a guidebook to complete items. We must think more about the basic requirements of a human being—something that requires empathy for human values to be able to think about. For example, spending money to make clean toilets for workers, providing clean filtered water for workers, etc. That’s what we call ESG.

What are Nhan Dan Newspaper’s long-term goals and expectations for the “Xay Tet 2024” program?

Ông Lê Quốc Minh – Tổng Biên tập Báo Nhân Dân: Ngày 9/1/2024, chương trình Xây Tết sẽ chính thức được phát động tại Hưng Yên. Sự kiện là dấu mốc quan trọng để đo lường hiệu quả của chương trình. Chúng tôi hy vọng có thể lan tỏa tinh thần, chăm sóc sức khỏe, đời sống của công nhân. Các công ty, doanh nghiệp có rất nhiều cách làm hiệu quả nhưng chỉ trong quy mô nội bộ. Tôi hy vọng rằng với quy mô của chương trình Xây Tết, trong lĩnh vực xây dựng sẽ có nhiều chủ đầu tư, nhà thầu, doanh nghiệp,… sẵn sàng tham gia cùng. Ví dụ năm nay chúng tôi có các bệnh viện cùng đồng hành.

Xây Tết 2024 kỳ vọng lan tỏa triết lý sẻ chia, văn hóa biết ơn đến toàn chuỗi xây dựng và cộng đồng nói chung.

Chúng tôi muốn truyền cảm hứng đến các doanh nghiệp, tổ chức khác đa dạng hóa, sáng tạo hơn trong các hoạt động của họ.


– In support of the Green Vietnam project, Coteccons pledges to donate one green tree for each athlete who completes 5 km. – 11,000 trees in each province will contribute to the goal of planting primary forests in Quang Binh and Quang Tri.   Ho Chi Minh City, June 18, 2024 – Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (HoSE: CTD) in partnership with Tuoi Tre Newspaper, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Long An Province and Dong Tam Company held a Press Conference to announce the launch of the third season of GreenUP Marathon – Long An Half Marathon 2024 with the message “Run beyond the finish line”. The running event is expected to attract more than 4,000 athletes to participate in Can Giuoc District, Long An Province on August 24, 2024, with 3 distances: 5km – 10km – 21km. Accordingly, the Organizing Committee offers a special prize, which is an airplane ticket and a ticket to participate in the Laguna Phuket Marathon, taking place in Thailand in 2025 for the First Male – First Female position at the 21km distance. The first marathon to cross an international port in Vietnam Keeping the criteria of a unique running route, GreenUP Marathon season 3 gives athletes a different experience with a unique running route – through Long An International Port, the export and import center of the Mekong Delta region, or a chance to admire the tallest flagpole in Indochina with a windy view of the Soai Rap river channel,

In a male-dominated field like the construction industry, what role do women play? At Coteccons Group, we create an equal environment for everyone to develop together without “labeling” gender.   At Coteccons Group, women can be not only the supporting team but also the core personnel who step out to make trillion-dollar deals or devise strategies on human resources, purchasing, etc. On International Women’s Day, let us meet typical female figures at Coteccons Group and hear them share their stories about working in a ‘man’s kingdom’.    Are there any stereotypes/prejudice about women in the construction industry that are difficult to eliminate?   Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Anh – Head of the Board of Investment: Stereotypes are nothing more than a comparison of “gender power”. In a field like construction, if there is something that needs to change, I think it would be “equality in mindset“. Stop talking about gender differences and talk about work efficiency. That is equality!   Ms. Tran Thi Lieu Vinh – Director of Administration & Sustainable Development: “Can’t do heavy work”, “not strong enough in communication”, “have to take care of family”… are the labels that society has been attaching to women when it comes to the construction industry. This perspective makes the female gender a minus in the industry. People also think that women in the construction industry are less ‘feminine’ due to the nature of the job, which involves working a lot with men, heavy work, dusty construction site environments, and always having to

On December 8th, 2023, Coteccons & Unicons were honored to receive the awards of Top 500 Vietnam Best Employer (VBE500) and Top 10 Vietnam Best Workplace (VBW10) of the VBE500 and VBW10 rankings by Viet Research, in coordination with the Vietnam Investment Review publishing unit. This recognition was the result of Coteccons and Unicons in recent years having made efforts to restructure the human resources management system to follow the times. Despite many employment challenges, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Coteccons consider this an opportunity for the human resources industry and have transformed strongly.  We understand that human resource management is not only about creating achievements by creating jobs, rewarding employees, creating a sustainable working environment, and having good and stable business results, but also how to promote and raise awareness among the community, businesses, and workers about image, reputation, and the importance of using “human capital.” We focus on creating a unique OWN IT culture to promote individuals’ potential and give opportunities to move quickly, applying technology to evaluate and monitor the development process of employees to serve the development focus on human resources (Learning and Development), and restructuring C&B closer to multinational companies to attract more talented human resources for the diversification strategy. Promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) is a specific action of commitment to sustainable development in which the human element is the key to all actions, not only helping to build the employer’s branding but also creating high-quality human resources to increase

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