While many companies strive to become the “king” of the market – the Market Leader, Coteccons introduces a new term: Industry Leader. Many are skeptical and consider it merely a marketing message from a “dreamy builder.” In reality, Coteccons has specific strategies in place to become a pioneer and lead the entire Vietnamese construction industry forward while also achieving significant accomplishments in revenue growth and sustainable development.

To ensure transparency after closing the 2024 fiscal year (from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024), on September 18, Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (Stock Code: CTD) held a shareholder dialogue at a unique location – the Lotus Tower construction site in Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. The event, as described by Mr. Bolat, aimed to “transform Coteccons into an open book, ready to disclose all information with nothing to hide from.”

The event was attended by Mr. Bolat Duisenov – Chairman of the Board, Mr. Vo Hoang Lam – CEO of Coteccons, Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai – Managing Director of Coteccons.

Not afraid to become the crazy ones, go against the grain and take on challenges to become an Industry Leader

People say the “Market Leader” is the king of the market, so what does “Industry Leader” mean? What advantages and challenges that Coteccons face in becoming an Industry Leader?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: Coteccons aims to become an Industry Leader, not a Market Leader. A Market Leader focuses on leading in revenue and profit indicators, sometimes even “destroying the industry” to maintain financial dominance. In contrast, an Industry Leader “lifts up” – leading the entire industry forward in every aspect.

Mr. Bolat Duisenov is highly optimistic about Coteccons’ future path and its prospects ahead.

As I often mention, we are a collective of 2,500 people working together towards a shared goal of making a positive impact on the construction industry, and the most significant impact is our continuous efforts to elevate the entire industry.

Speaking of the advantages and positive aspects of pursuing this goal, the construction industry consists of many engineers who enjoy facing new challenges to find solutions. We are glad that Coteccons always presents many challenges, such as financial knowledge, cash flow management, ensuring labor safety, and implementing creative construction methods. This makes life interesting and ideal for engineers passionate about their profession. Challenges also serve as a driving force for Coteccons’ people.

The Board of Management’s responsibility is to ensure that there are always enough challenges and positive pressure for everyone. We strive to balance things, avoiding excessive stress, but at least 10-15% of our core team must endure higher pressure than others. Coteccons has enough excitement and challenges for everyone, and we believe in this path.

However, we also face many challenges. Coteccons must consistently innovate, continuously test new solutions and hypotheses, and seize new opportunities. There is no guarantee that we will always succeed as expected, but an Industry Leader must be willing to accept such uncertainties.

Coteccons continually restructures its system, much like an architect who repeatedly disassembles and reassembles certain parts. As a large company, if we want to move fast, we must cultivate a culture of quick recovery from failure, embrace learning, and keep moving forward.

When we succeed, people assume it’s because Coteccons is a big company, but if we fail, they label us eccentric dreamers. As pioneers and the first to initiate change, we accept being called “the crazy ones” – those who go against the rest of the industry to create new value.

And surely, when we succeed, many will follow our lead, but I believe that’s a good thing because, in the end, our goal is to elevate the Vietnamese construction industry. I hope they “fake it,” but I also hope they “make it.” I genuinely want them to succeed rather than just chase short-term trends. Coteccons is willing to invest in costs and accept being copied or followed. These challenges are ones we’ve chosen, which is why our team goes to work each day with enthusiasm, eager to face and conquer these obstacles.

In the past, Coteccons was seen as a group of dreamers in the construction industry. Now, with the announcement of pursuing the Industry Leader image, I’m curious how this relates to shareholders like us?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: In the past, we were seen as dreamers, and we still are today. We continue to dream, and within that dream lies a mission to make a positive impact on the construction industry, striving to be recognized as an Industry Leader.

As an Industry Leader, we cannot just aim for revenue and profit at all costs. We do not want to create any negative impact on the industry because we hold responsibility toward our clients, the industry, and society.

So how does this goal relate to shareholders? Let me mention our business results over the past 2.5 years. Everything has been very positive! We achieved a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 30%, while the general market growth rate has been only around 8-9%.

We’ve maintained this growth rate while continually raising standards in the construction industry. Coteccons is ready to face the challenges that the industry and the market present to us. This is our mission and goal for the next 2-3 years. That’s also why Coteccons’ goal of becoming an Industry Leader directly relates to our shareholders. Our team is working tirelessly with strong ambition, and I personally commit to devoting myself to the company’s strategies.

Slow but steady progress on the international stage

We know that CTD is implementing some projects abroad, which excites us as shareholders. Can the management team share more information about these projects? As a long-term shareholder, I’d like to propose the company consider issuing additional bonus shares this year.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: Regarding our strategy to expand abroad, we’ve begun taking steps in recent years. In 2024, we are pursuing projects where the clients specifically selected Coteccons for international work, and as shareholders following the company, you may know that Coteccons is currently working on a Vinfast project in India. Of course, details about the value and revenue of these projects cannot be disclosed due to confidentiality agreements between both parties.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai – Managing Director of Coteccons, revealed that the company’s unique approach to customers is one of its key strengths.

Additionally, Coteccons is participating in bidding for projects abroad. This is a clear potential, and we hope to leave a concrete mark in the near future.

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: At the last AGM, we shared our plan to expand globally, and now the company is already operating in several countries. We bring Coteccons’ DNA into these international projects.

Expanding abroad may take 1-2 or even 3 years, or longer, but we are on the right track, and we are bringing foreign currency back to the company. We are progressing slowly but steadily and will pursue this direction tirelessly.

As for the proposal regarding bonus shares, it’s a good suggestion, and the Board of Directors will consider it and respond to the shareholders.

Does Coteccons have any plans to open branches abroad?

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: The plan when opening branches abroad is that Coteccons is seeking potential opportunities, not just stopping at projects assigned by clients. We want to find more sustainable revenue sources for the future, and details will be disclosed at the next AGM.

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: Opening Coteccons branches abroad is just a legal procedure. In reality, we are already serving global corporations, and they are very satisfied with Coteccons in Vietnam. When they expand to other countries, they choose us, and the company also has a strategy to follow the clients.

Following clients brings challenges such as different environments and technical requirements, but we have confidence, and our clients trust the DNA of Vietnamese engineers.

Can the company share revenue from international markets in the fiscal year 2024 and the backlog of international contracts for this year?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: We ended the fiscal year 2024 on June 30, and 99% of revenue still comes from the domestic market. The fiscal year 2025 began on July 1 this year and will run until next year. We are taking cautious steps abroad.

Regarding international projects, the first approach is following existing clients who are expanding outside Vietnam. These clients are familiar with and trust Coteccons. This is also how we are learning to operate in completely new environments.

The second approach is expanding into potential markets. Here, we will partner with local companies, engage in mergers with local firms, or collaborate with multinational corporations in key markets.

We are progressing slowly but steadily because our goal is sustainable development abroad. Coteccons is laying a very strong foundation, so at this stage, we cannot rush because we need to bring Coteccons’ DNA to the world.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: Expanding internationally is challenging for Vietnamese contractors due to differences in culture, language, geography, etc. We are no exception, but with our young and dynamic team and experienced experts, we believe we will achieve our goals. Everything is going in the right direction.

Steady growth with a large backlog thanks to diversification

What is Coteccons’ backlog at the end of Q2/2024, and what is the contract value ratio across sectors (FDI, residential, resorts, etc.)?

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: The business results for 2024 are very promising, and we have a backlog extending into future years, amounting to nearly 30 trillion, with about 20 trillion carried forward into 2025. This will provide significant revenue for 2025.

In recent years, we’ve focused heavily on the industrial sector, and now this segment accounts for a large portion—around 50%. The residential sector remains a strength, contributing 40% of revenue.

Looking at the revenue structure, Coteccons will continue to shift toward FDI clients. They have strong cash flow, pay quickly, and their projects are usually built rapidly, saving significant time and costs for both clients and us.

Mr. Vo Hoang Lam: In 2024, the real estate market has not yet recovered, so Coteccons has been impacted, and business results have not fully met expectations. However, it’s still a bright picture, and these achievements come from two key factors. First is the repeat sales strategy. Thanks to high-quality, standardized projects, customers trust us and assign other projects to Coteccons. Second is the diversification of revenue sources, as Mr. Hải mentioned, with the FDI sector alone accounting for 50% of sales.

Mr. Vo Hoang Lam – CEO of Coteccons

How does Coteccons view the residential sector, the opportunities from these recovery signals, and how is the company preparing for them?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: Recently, we have received a lot of interest and cooperation proposals from clients wanting to build industrial and residential projects. These are very positive signals showing market recovery. We have also been in constant communication with our strategic partners to share these positive assessments.

We have established strong relationships with local governments and central authorities to stay updated with the latest information and to clearly understand how the market is recovering.

As for how we are preparing, we are always ready because Coteccons is a construction company. It’s our lifeline, our daily work. One clear demonstration of this readiness is our focus on investing in and equipping more specialized tools to ensure that our technical solutions are the most advanced for our clients.

We continuously improve and strengthen our safety management system on construction sites. We are also constantly striving to minimize environmental impacts and create a clean, meaningful, and valuable working environment for our employees.

In terms of operational efficiency, Coteccons’ projected revenue per employee is around 14-15 billion VND per person. This means they are making significant contributions to the company’s revenue. It’s a very strong number compared to the industry average.

This year, we will focus more on developing our workforce’s capabilities. The Coteccons Leadership Center will continue to be invested in and become a place for nurturing talent for the company. We are also pursuing initiatives related to digital transformation, transparency, etc. In short, Coteccons has a very solid foundation and is always ready to handle all situations, whether the market is declining or recovering.

This year’s backlog is over 20 trillion VND from major projects such as LEGO, Suntory Pepsico, but this hasn’t been reflected in the stock price. Is FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) the main focus for the rest of this year and next year?

Mr. Vo Hoang Lam: In the past three years, Coteccons’ revenue structure has gradually stabilized, with a significant contribution from the FDI sector. This clearly shows the company’s construction capabilities when handling international-scale projects. Our clients are globally renowned corporations with stringent standards. We always think about how we can become their first choice when they enter Vietnam. And reality has proven that this direction is absolutely right.

When there’s a balance between domestic and foreign clients, it brings stability. If the domestic market is unstable, we have foreign clients, and vice versa. I am confident that not many companies are as trusted by the FDI sector as Coteccons. Because to be chosen by them, we not only need strong construction capabilities but also culture, transparency, international management processes, sustainability, etc. Therefore, having a large revenue from FDI reflects Coteccons’ standing in Vietnam’s construction market.

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: What Coteccons has achieved today is the result of efforts from 18-20 months ago. On this occasion, I want to reinforce shareholders’ confidence and confirm that the company is on the right track.

About three years ago, we made a strategic decision to shift from the residential sector to industrial projects to catch the FDI wave into Vietnam. It took 2-3 years to prove this with today’s success.

As for why this isn’t reflected in the stock price, frankly, we don’t quite understand why the stock isn’t reflecting what we’ve accomplished.

For example, recently, Coteccons was the only Vietnamese construction company invited to bid by the client, and we outperformed 6-7 major foreign companies. It wasn’t because we offered the lowest price but because the client valued Coteccons’ approach the highest.

Last Saturday, a potential client visited Coteccons’ office. Initially, I didn’t think it would turn into a 3-hour meeting. They believed no construction company in Vietnam could handle their projects and cited examples from Eastern Europe. We quickly demonstrated Coteccons’ capabilities, and they were completely convinced. Before leaving, the head of the delegation promised to report to their leaders and consider inviting Coteccons as the main contractor for their European projects.

As you can see, the company has many great opportunities. I agree with you that in recent years, we have been unfairly grouped with struggling real estate companies.

The government is pushing for public investment, and with the missed opportunity for the Long Thanh airport project, does CTD still intend to participate in public investment?

Mr. Vo Hoang Lam: Public investment and infrastructure construction are vast fields. Currently, we are involved in several infrastructure projects, such as building residential areas in Nhơn Trạch (Đồng Nai) and Long An, building inter-provincial roads connecting HCMC and Long An, and other infrastructure projects. However, it must be admitted that these moves are still relatively slow compared to the rapid infrastructure development and public investment in Vietnam.

In recent years, airports or highways have been only a small part of the public investment picture. We can roughly divide public investment into the following sectors:

First, offices, headquarters, and commercial centers of all localities, Ministries, departments, and government agencies, etc.

Second, transport infrastructure: highways, inter-provincial roads, provincial roads, the North-South high-speed railway, etc.

Third, projects by state-managed corporations like EVN, PVN, VNPT, and the workload in this area alone is enormous.

Fourth, mega projects like the Metro projects in Hanoi and HCMC, where only 1-2 lines have been inaugurated, with many more components to be implemented.

Fifth, many other projects considered public investment, such as power plants, waste treatment plants, social housing, etc. Additionally, there are many infrastructure projects undertaken by large domestic private investors to support their business development and contribute to localities.

Therefore, when discussing public investment, it’s a vast sector, and CTD has many opportunities. However, when implementing any project, we must ensure that we bring the value and DNA of CTD in terms of quality and execution. We are carefully selecting projects, partners, and execution methods. With so many opportunities, we can fully expect public investment and infrastructure to grow rapidly, becoming a substantial revenue proportion for CTD in the coming years.

6 strategies shaping unicorn potential and agility of the gazelle

I have held CTD shares since October 2023, but after monitoring stock movements, I’ve noticed that CTD is highly sensitive to information, with high price volatility, even more than the VN INDEX,. When the market drops by 1, CTD drops by 2. I believe this is inconsistent with sustainable development because a sustainable company should also have stable value in its shares. It seems Coteccons has not focused on creating sustainable value for shareholders, something that large companies like FPT and HPG have done very well over the years?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: Thank you to our shareholders for staying with us despite the market fluctuations, which shows that you trust us.

When you compare us to FPT or Hoa Phat, we are honored. They are companies that Coteccons deeply admires, and Hoa Phat (HPG) is a close client of ours. We also hope that shareholders don’t just trust me but believe in our entire team, company system, and the ambitions we have set.

Regarding stock price volatility, I admit that the BoM’s focus over the past 2-3 years has not been on controlling stock prices. We have spent a lot of time on restructuring, developing internal capabilities, building culture, and introducing that culture to our clients. This may be the time for us to review the proportion of time we spend on various strategies, focusing a certain percentage on internal activities and how much energy is directed toward monitoring the stock price cycle and CTD’s market value on the stock exchange.

We are proud to have built a solid foundation for sustainable growth for the company, which we can maintain for the next several years. We have a strong team, talent, and an environment where these talents can maximize their potential to grow with the company. Currently, we have a healthy balance sheet, healthy debt ratios, a solid backlog, and promising future collaboration projects. We have so many opportunities that while banks are offering favorable credit terms, we don’t even need them at this point. Our cash reserves are in a very healthy state, maintaining a balance between VND 3.8 to 4 trillion. We have established a strong reputation with both domestic and international clients. There is no longer any doubt that we deliver projects on time, with high quality, and with safety measures in place.

We are diversifying revenue streams through new business sectors such as infrastructure and public investment, and in a short time, we will start recognizing revenue from international markets. Our bid-winning rate is much higher than before, and we receive many repeat sales and thank-you letters from major clients. We are also continuing to enhance internal capabilities and attract external talent to support our growth.

We are proud to be pioneers in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) activities with numerous community and social initiatives, contributing to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. This, in turn, will increase shareholder profits when investing in CTD stocks.

I acknowledge the feedback from you, and I believe we need to seriously reassess our investor relations and better communicate our achievements to shareholders so that they can gain more confidence in investing in CTD stock. We are committed to being transparent with all parties, including shareholders, investors, employees, and customers of Coteccons.

Since October 2020, my team and I have been shareholders in the company, and as a “hardcore” fan of Mr. Bolat, I’ve noticed that his hair is turning gray more and more each day. Could you share more about the journey towards a billion-dollar market capitalization and how you plan to reach that milestone?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: I hope shareholders will extend their support not only to me but to the entire team, whom we call the ‘dreamers,’ as we work together to achieve our ambitious goals.

A billion dollars is not the target itself but the result of the company’s ongoing efforts. Revenue, profit, or market capitalization are ambitions we are fully equipped to achieve. These are not overly difficult targets.

Rather than just discussing the billion-dollar milestone and making vague promises, we want to emphasize detailed plans to achieve these ambitious goals. Specifically, there are six key strategies:

  1. Maintaining growth in civil construction, strongly expanding industrial construction, and laying the foundation for infrastructure construction. In the near term, these revenues will primarily come from the domestic market, and we aim to remain the top player in Vietnam.
  2. Entering international markets and new business sectors, contributing significantly to both revenue and profit growth.
  3. Implementing plans to improve current profit margins. We have many initiatives related to this, such as investing in more advanced equipment and cutting-edge technology like AI.
  4. Continuing to restructure the organization and enhance organizational capabilities to build a sustainable business development platform, ensuring the right people are in the right roles.
  5. Establishing ourselves as the industry leader with a strong brand presence both in Vietnam and globally. We will implement concrete activities to shape our strategy as an industry-leading global brand.
  6. Focusing on sustainable business development strategies.

After hearing from shareholders, we believe another important strategy is to focus more on building investor relations to enhance stock value in the market.

All these strategies are encapsulated in the company’s overarching plan, which we call the Coteccons Sustainable Development Strategy. I want to affirm that we are always aware of what we are doing, what needs to be done, and what comes next. Personally, I promise to continue pushing the company forward, making it a business that embraces challenges. I will also work to bring in new talent and capabilities, people who are ready to face challenges, never satisfied with past victories or resting in the comfort zone. This is my commitment to Coteccons. And thank you for your concern about my gray hair. But gray hair is just hair; my health remains excellent.

Bad debt is not a big issue for us

The company still has about VND 900 billion in bad debt yet to be provisioned. How much will be provisioned annually?

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: By 2024, we have provisioned around 1.4 trillion. For the fiscal year 2024 alone, we have provisioned over 200 billion, but have already recovered about 70 billion.

Plans for the following years will be calculated and announced at the upcoming AGM. However, it is certain that next year’s provisions will be much smaller than this year’s, and the provisions already made will be managed by the debt recovery team, working with clients, and once collected, they will flow back into the company’s profits.

We are always transparent and timely in updating figures that impact the company’s operations, ensuring that provisions are sufficient to safeguard revenue and profit.

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: When it comes to bad debt, our principle is to make provisions when we see difficulty in collection. This is a fundamental practice, so I don’t understand why this question arises; it goes against the company’s transparency. Any so-called bad debts have been promptly provisioned, and the figures have been clearly and publicly announced.

Within our internal processes, there are seven layers of bad debt monitoring and risk management. Our operations are regularly audited by independent bodies, including a Big 4 auditor and an independent supervisory board, to ensure transparency.

I fully understand the concerns, as bad debt is a major issue across the construction industry. However, I want to emphasize that Coteccons takes this matter very seriously, with strict processes in place.

Provisioning is not a disaster or overly negative; it doesn’t mean that the amount is lost forever. Our team is closely monitoring and urging clients to make payments. I am confident that Coteccons will soon recover a significant portion of these funds.

How much will be provisioned in 2025, and do recent projects require provisioning?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: I would like to reiterate that our provisioning activities follow strict, well-established procedures. I also want to stress that provisions are just for risk mitigation, not an immediate loss.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: In recent years, our core revenue has come from domestic business activities, and we anticipate rapid recovery as the market bounces back.

In 2025, we will continue provisioning, but the amount will be much smaller than in 2024. That’s the bright outlook for our billion-dollar company.

Mr. Vo Hoang Lam: I would like to add that Coteccons is aiming for a compound growth rate of 20-30% per year. We aspire to be a unicorn-like company (billion-dollar company) with the soul – pace – and poise of a gazelle company (high and sustained long-term growth). We hope our shareholders will rest assured about the bright outlook for the company both now and in the future.

I’m a supplier, and despite the customer having paid, why has Coteccons not yet paid us? Is being an Industry Leader just a slogan for communication?

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: Currently, we manage over 2,500 suppliers and subcontractors. I sincerely hope that you are someone who complies with all safety, quality, and timeline standards when collaborating with us on projects.

After this event, I hope to connect and work with you. As long as you perform as committed, we are ready to pay exactly what was agreed upon.

Ambitions to become the ‘Apple’ of construction industry

The company has effectively implemented a repeat sales strategy, but does this limit Coteccons to only its existing customers?

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: In recent years, we have devoted significant resources to this strategy. Most clients, after completing one project, will certainly trust Coteccons for subsequent projects, which is our strength.

This is not a limitation but a testament to Coteccons’ capability and position. To keep our existing clients always prioritizing us, Coteccons must never stop innovating. We always strive to provide more services for our clients to experience.

Mr. Vo Hoang Lam: I’m not making a direct comparison, but clearly, people keep using the iPhone, right? The iPhone has many versions, and each version is better than the last. Similarly, when Coteccons approaches potential clients, we aim for long-term partnerships. We put in the effort, and so do our clients, which helps us understand each other’s DNA, eventually becoming indispensable to each other. Their trust continues to motivate the company to grow. The more repeat sales projects we have, the more it proves that we are satisfying our clients. Coteccons aims to become the ‘Apple’ of the construction industry. While this is no easy feat, with our position as an Industry Leader, Coteccons is making significant strides.

Can the company share more about the two recently M&A entities: Sinh Nam and UG M&E? How are their business operations, revenue/profit results for 2024, and plans for 2025?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: First and foremost, I would like to affirm that Coteccons is a company that always places its clients at the center and is client-centric. We made these merger decisions because we believe they enhance our position and bring more value to our clients.

Both companies have long histories, around 20-30 years, and are strong brands in the market. We have collaborated with them and understand each other well.

However, we only finalized the merger transactions in the last quarter of the previous financial year. Therefore, their contribution to Coteccons’ revenue last year wasn’t significant. But I am confident that the merger of these two companies will position us for competitive advantages and greater value in the future.

We have concrete plans to integrate them into our operations and detailed strategies for their business development in the coming period.

As we strive toward the goal of being recognized as an Industry Leader, we are excited about these new steps. We aim to be a conductor that orchestrates positive impacts, lifting the entire industry—not just competing but working together to advance the construction industry in Vietnam.

Committed to sustainable development in the construction industry

Has the storm in the North affected the company?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: As part of Vietnam, we deeply empathize with the suffering the North has endured during this historic storm. Coteccons’ first priority in facing natural disasters is to collaborate with partners and clients to support those affected.

The immediate concern being discussed at Coteccons is how to provide the quickest support to those impacted by the storm in the North, especially in the northern mountainous areas, so they can stabilize their lives and work.

First of all, I want to express, on behalf of the company and the collective, our deep sorrow and shock at the devastation caused by the storm and the flooding that followed. I have been in Vietnam for quite some time and have witnessed the damage from past floods, such as those in Quang Binh or major landslides in Quang Tri in previous years. However, the scale of this disaster and what the people in the North are going through is beyond anything we could have imagined.

We previously supported post-disaster recovery efforts, such as three years ago when a flood hit central Vietnam. Coteccons helped rebuild an entire village in Quang Tri and other central provinces. We are still monitoring the lives of the people who have returned and received support to build new homes. I am very happy to see that our contributions have helped people recover after the disaster. We donated, and Coteccons employees voluntarily contributed part of their salaries to the communal fund to support those in need. One bright spot we would like to share during this difficult time is that a major client recently called to inform us they wanted to join Coteccons in supporting the reconstruction efforts in the areas affected by the storm. This client also mentioned that although the storm was devastating, some of the projects Coteccons had built for them in that area remained safe and resilient, while many surrounding areas were heavily impacted. Once again, the client praised and expressed gratitude for the quality of the buildings. They even asked for the names of the individuals who worked on the project to personally thank them. This is wonderful news because we are not acting alone in our efforts to raise funds and rebuild. We will be working alongside our clients and partners, creating funds to help rebuild homes after the disaster. Another client, whom we consider a mentor, Mr. Phu, Chairman of DOJI, immediately agreed when we shared our intention to support those affected by the disaster. The DOJI Group will make a significant contribution alongside Coteccons to support this cause.

I am deeply grateful to our major clients and partners, who have compassionate hearts and share our vision. We believe that together, we will create meaningful contributions. This also demonstrates that we have fulfilled our role as a general contractor, providing high-quality products and services. Therefore, clients trust and want to collaborate with us on social activities.

Attracting and empowering talent

I am a recent construction graduate and a small shareholder in the company. What opportunities will I have if I join the company?

Mr. Vo Hoang Lam: In fact, Coteccons is positioning itself as the best place for talent, the number one choice for construction industry professionals. This is also one of the strategies that helps us realize our ambition to build a great company. So, if I were to interview you, I would ask: Do you have big dreams?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: If I were to interview you, I would ask if you believe you are talented. Because I believe talent must be confident, with clear and strong self-respect. Only those who believe in themselves will fully commit to the goals and tasks assigned by the company without being distracted by doubts. This is also an essential part of Coteccons’ DNA.

Speaking of Coteccons’ DNA, because we are technical people, we tend to be humble and reserved, but we still dream and have big ambitions. And although we dream, we are always clear-headed, knowing what needs to be done and how to do it.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Hai: Our leadership team always welcomes talents who are willing to contribute, take on challenges, and lead the way. If you are that kind of person, congratulations—you have many opportunities to grow at Coteccons.

I am currently working overseas. Can I apply for a position at Coteccons for overseas projects?

Mr. Bolat Duisenov: My quick answer is yes. We are very interested in and welcome people who want to apply to Coteccons through our website. There, you can find contact information for our human resources department, so feel free to check it out.

Speaking of Coteccons’ culture, as many of you know, a very prominent highlight is our Own It – Empowerment culture. At the construction sites, project directors are like CEOs with full decision-making authority. In other positions, everyone is trusted, empowered to make their own decisions, and given equal opportunities for growth, regardless of connections or relationships.

The environment at Coteccons is very transparent, offering young people the chance to contribute and develop their careers. As I can see from the comments, a shareholder named Vinh Duong has shared: “I really like the creative work environment and the sustainable development plans at Coteccons. Being a member of Coteccons has always been my dream.”


On September 13, 2024, at the Coteccons headquarters, the Coteccons Training Academy (CTA) organized a workshop titled “Accident-Free Work Environment” to raise awareness about occupational safety and discuss ways to build a safe working environment for all employees working at Coteccons Group. ​ As one of Coteccons’ core values, safety culture is always a priority, and it is also a leading standard in the construction industry. Coteccons not only focuses on providing high-quality services to partners and investors but also aims to create a safe and comfortable working environment throughout the working process for all employees. ​ This workshop attracted the participation of leaders and employees from member companies such as Unicons, UG M&E, Sinh Nam Metal, along with project directors, division directors, and site managers from various construction sites. ​ The workshop began with an introduction to the goals and main content. Participants then reviewed the safety factors and strategies Coteccons is implementing to become the “Safest Workplace.” ​ Speaker Mr. Đỗ Dương Trúc – Coteccons’ Safety Director, emphasized the importance of raising awareness about occupational safety. He also shared useful information about the advanced measures and technologies that Coteccons is pioneering to enhance the quality of the work environment at construction sites. At the same time, he stressed that preventing accidents is not only the responsibility of management but also of every individual in the company. ​ The subsequent discussion delved into how to build and maintain a safe working environment. Members of Coteccons Group had the

On September 17, 2024, Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company, in collaboration with the People’s Committee of Tuyen Hoa District, Quang Binh Province, and local authorities, held a groundbreaking ceremony for planting trees in the nature reserve buffer zone protecting the white-cheeked gibbon population in Dong Hoa Commune, Tuyen Hoa District, Quang Binh Province. This project is funded by the GreenUP Marathon.  Inspired by the GreenUP Marathon’s green vision, Coteccons pledges to plant one tree for every 5 km completed by a participant. After two seasons of the race—2022 in Quang Binh and 2023 in Binh Duong—more than 22,000 trees have been planted to reforest protective forest areas in Quang Binh Province. Continuing this tradition, in 2024, Coteccons committed to planting 11,111 trees, including species such as Chukrasia velutina, Erythrophleum fordii, Tarrietia javanica, Baccaurea, and Sarcocephalus coadunatus Druce, across 10 hectares of forest in the buffer zone of the white-cheeked gibbon population in Dong Hoa Commune, Tuyen Hoa District, Quang Binh Province. This initiative follows the GreenUP Marathon – Long An Half Marathon 2024, held on August 24 in Long An Province.  Speaking at the Tree Planting Ceremony, Mr. Dinh Tien Dung, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Tuyen Hoa District, Quang Binh Province, stated: “On behalf of the People’s Committee of Tuyen Hoa District, I would like to thank Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company for this meaningful initiative for Tuyen Hoa District in general, and for Dong Hoa Commune and the surrounding white-cheeked gibbon population in particular. This

Ho Chi Minh City, August 2, 2024 – Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (HOSE: CTD) is proud to be recognized in the “Top 50 Corporate Sustainability Awards (Top 50 CSA)” list by Nhịp Cầu Đầu Tư magazine in two key categories: Minimize Carbon Footprint and ESG Leadership. This award acknowledges Coteccons’ relentless efforts in pioneering innovative ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices.  Coteccons has taken the lead in addressing fundamental, core environmental and social challenges within the construction industry, such as reducing emissions and managing a green supply chain—challenges that no other companies in the industry have yet tackled.    At the “Green Impact 3P Summit,” Mr. Bolat Duisenov, Chairman of the Board of Directors, shared: “ESG is a choice for businesses, not an obligation. ESG is a marathon of resilience and consistency, and at the same time, it is an inevitable trend. Our long-term benefit is to build a brand image as a global business and a leading company in Vietnam’s construction industry.”    Beyond being a pioneer, Coteccons continuously strives to implement ESG comprehensively, ensuring that ESG compliance and practices extend not only within the company but also throughout its supply chain and partnerships. The goal is to achieve a sustainable balance among the three key pillars: economy, society, and environment, as well as among profit (Profit), people (People), and the planet (Planet).    Most recently, Coteccons and LIXIL Vietnam—a member of Japan’s LIXIL Group—officially signed a memorandum of understanding for strategic cooperation, aimed at pursuing a

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