In a male-dominated field like the construction industry, what role do women play? At Coteccons Group, we create an equal environment for everyone to develop together without “labeling” gender.  

At Coteccons Group, women can be not only the supporting team but also the core personnel who step out to make trillion-dollar deals or devise strategies on human resources, purchasing, etc. On International Women’s Day, let us meet typical female figures at Coteccons Group and hear them share their stories about working in a ‘man’s kingdom’.   

Are there any stereotypes/prejudice about women in the construction industry that are difficult to eliminate?  

Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Anh – Head of the Board of Investment: Stereotypes are nothing more than a comparison of “gender power”. In a field like construction, if there is something that needs to change, I think it would be “equality in mindset“. Stop talking about gender differences and talk about work efficiency. That is equality!  

Ms. Tran Thi Lieu Vinh – Director of Administration & Sustainable Development: “Can’t do heavy work”, “not strong enough in communication”, “have to take care of family”… are the labels that society has been attaching to women when it comes to the construction industry. This perspective makes the female gender a minus in the industry. People also think that women in the construction industry are less ‘feminine’ due to the nature of the job, which involves working a lot with men, heavy work, dusty construction site environments, and always having to speak loudly.” 

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Chief Accountant of Unicons: Society has always thought that the construction industry is not for women. It has been such a long time! Even female students think so and do not choose construction at university. This is not only society’s prejudice, but even women define construction as not for them.

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Sa – Head of System Management – Legal Department: “Construction industry is more suitable for men”. Most people still think that construction is a hard industry where people must deal with time and long-distance work, so it is more suitable for men. And because the majority think so, women will become a minus because they must take care of the family. This is not really prejudice but it is difficult for women to meet job requirements. Since then, women have been given fewer opportunities at work, so they cannot maximize their abilities.

Ms. Cao Thi Mai Le – Chief Accountant of Coteccons: In my opinion, the prejudice is very clear, especially in Vietnam. Women at construction sites are secretaries or manual workers, not in PD or PM positions. Women who work in the construction industry must put in 120% of their effort to prove they can do those jobs as well as men. 

Ms. Pham Xuan Thu – Director of Purchasing Division: Both women and men play important and indispensable roles in the development of the construction industry. However, society assumes that construction is a male industry. For strong and sustainable development, construction needs diversity and support, which require flexibility, carefulness, management, and business skills. If construction engineers are iron and steel, stone, and solid concrete, then the purchasing division is water, being flexible but still retaining its own strength and characteristics. 

Ms. Dao Cam An – Site Secretary of LEGO: People are always skeptical when I say I am working in the construction industry. The stereotype is: “The construction industry is only for men; weak women cannot do it”.

Ms. Pham Thi Phuc – Site Secretary of Tien Bo Plaza: “Many people say that women should not be leaders. If they are, they should only “strive moderately” because they must take care of their families. Women are believed to be weak and not be able to do heavy jobs. 

What are the major challenges do you face when working in the construction industry?  

Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Anh – Head of the Board of Investment: Of course, for women in general, bricks, stones and cement cannot be as attractive as FMCG or fashion. However, no matter what the job is or who I work with, job completion are always my priorities. If there is any challenge, it is only a matter of “time”. Time is always limited but there are many things I want to do.

Ms. Tran Thi Lieu Vinh – Director of Administration & Sustainable Development: The biggest challenge was still being assigned easier jobs because of prejudice about ability and communication. Women have almost no voice in the industry and are always a minority. In addition, women are also more likely to suffer from occupational diseases than men, such as gynecological diseases, skin diseases, etc. 

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Chief Accountant of Unicons: My biggest challenge is overcoming my own shadow and the power of men. In addition, there are many common barriers for women, such as taking care of their families, so they cannot travel far or move too much.

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Sa – Head of System Management – Legal Department: The biggest challenge for women in the construction industry is overcoming men’s prejudices about women. 

Ms. Cao Thi Mai Le – Chief Accountant of Coteccons: In charge of finance at a construction company, I also meet with other departments in the company. Most of them are men. Conflicts in perspective will often happen. Actually, it’s not my challenge. Because I am feminine and soft, thanks to that, I can easily convince others.

Ms. Pham Xuan Thu – Director of the Purchasing Division: My big challenges are adaptability and agility. The construction industry requires the ability to quickly adapt to a diverse and constantly changing working environment. At the same time, understanding the materials and equipment to be purchased is a key factor, requiring continuous learning and updating to ensure the most suitable purchase for the projects.

Ms. Pham Nguyen Thuy Tien – Site Secretary of Vinhomes Grand Park: When I first joined, I was still shy because I was the only woman. I did not even dare take a nap at noon. After a while of working, I realized that everyone here is cute. Even though the construction site is dry and harsh, they are still happy and laughing! I am the only woman, so I feel cared for and loved.  

Who was your role model when you were younger?  

Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Anh – Head of Board of Investment: No one. The most important thing is to set goals and persevere in pursuing them, not only at work, but also in life. For example, if I look back at my 40-year-old self and see that I am better than my 30-year-old self, that is enough. There is no need to pursue any “model” while I do not know their starting point or what they have been through.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Chief Accountant of Unicons: That is my mother. I always try to become a woman like her, a diligent woman who loves and takes full care of the family. She also works hard at work, full of energy and bravery

Ms. Cao Thi Mai Le – Chief Accountant of Coteccons: I do not have any role models, but I will pursue the core values of transparency and ethics.

Ms. Pham Xuan Thu – Director of Purchasing Division: My dedicated grandmother and mother, who wholeheartedly care for their children and grandchildren and nurture my ambitions, help me to always be steadfast in my passion.

Ms. Dao Cam An – Site Secretary of LEGO: When I was in high school, my uncle Ut was an architect. I admired him very much. He told me to study construction, but I chose to study another field. Now I work in the construction industry. It is an affinity.

When working in a male environment, especially in a leadership position, how does a woman make an impact?  

Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Anh – Head of Board of Investment: Female leaders or managers will need to spread softness and skill in communication to partly reduce stress and pressure in a male environment. 

Ms. Tran Thi Lieu Vinh – Director of Administration & Sustainable Development: Women as leaders can balance, create the necessary softness for a male environment. 

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Chief Accountant of Unicons: The special thing about women in managing roles lies in the personality of the “gender”. In an male environment, women will bring more softness. Women leaders will have calmness and tact, making relationships or arguments gentler.

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Sa – Head of System Management – Legal Department: I think God created women and men for a reason. In every aspect of life, we need balance. In an environment where any “gender” is the majority, the views and orientations of that “gender” will be the dominant. However, abilities and values contribution are more important than gender. According to human development theories, people never differentiate between women and men. Specifically, at Coteccons – Unicons, women are not on the restricted side. The important thing is to give the ones with ambitions the opportunity to develop.

Ms. Cao Thi Mai Le – Chief Accountant of Coteccons: I feel like I am a supporter to get revenue, ensure financial safety, and ensure project quality. I always try my best to support the company’s development as well as revenue growth. As a leader, women are not only passionate and enthusiastic about their profession but also sophisticated, meticulous, patient, and loyal. This is a strength that will support me in a leadership position in the construction industry.   

Ms. Pham Xuan Thu – Director of Purchasing Division: In a male environment, especially in leadership positions, women bring diversity and fresh perspectives to management and decision-making. The sensitivity and sophistication of women help to resolve the multi-dimension in a soft way. As a female leader, I always pursue the values of transparency, putting the right people in the right positions and putting work efficiency first. The advantage of a female leader is the ability to calm and resolve tensions gently yet effectively. 

Share your perspective on gender equality in the workplace and your suggestions to create/apply effective gender equality?  

Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Anh – Head of Board of Investment: In the workplace, women are not inferior to men, even in heavy industries. Gender equality is not as important as equality in perception. When there is now no longer much gender comparison, people will look more at how you work and your work efficiency than whether you are male or female.   

Ms. Tran Thi Lieu Vinh – Director of Administration & Sustainable Development: Women can still undertake and do the work of men. They should be respected, trusted and empowered. Gender equality in the workplace does not mean that the ratio of men and women in the company is equal, but that both men and women have access to the same opportunities and resources, as well as receive equal compensation for jobs, regardless of gender, including leadership positions. Therefore, gender equality is a matter of reality. 

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Chief Accountant of Unicons: People are talking a lot about gender equality, in all industries, not just construction, but even women themselves think they cannot work in construction industry. So, gender equality in construction must first come from your own thoughts. Never limit yourself! 

Ms. Nguyen Thi My Sa – Head of System Management – Legal Department: The reason I have been with the company for so long is because here everyone is recognized and can develop their full potential. I see those values, principles and orientation being developed at the company. That is an aspect of civilization, which is correct and needs to be promoted. I always remember the wishes of Mr. Bolat – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Coteccons for women: “Prove your best, prove yourself with everything the universe, fate and creation have given you.” That’s a very civilized perspective, it is a motivation for everyone to have a changed perspective on gender equality. 

Ms. Cao Thi Mai Le – Chief Accountant of Coteccons: I think women must dare to step out of their comfort zone, go beyond what society labels them as well as what they label themselves. With the development of technology, more women can participate in the construction field. I hope that at Coteccons and Unicons, there will be female PD and PM. The company should have recruitment policies and create conditions for more female QS and female supervisors at Coteccons and Unicons construction sites. Women will prove that they can absolutely do well in construction industry. 

Ms. Pham Xuan Thu – Director of Purchasing Division: Gender equality is an important factor in the working environment, however, a 50-50 balance between men and women in the construction industry is quite unlikely because from a young age, girls often do not think they can work in this industry. However, there still exists balance and harmony in each different aspect. For example, while men often do technical work at sites, women oversee support tasks such as administration, purchasing, sales or finance, creating balance based on their personality strengths.  

Ms. Pham Thi Phuc – Site Secretary of Tien Bo Plaza: In some current projects, women can also work as QS, QA/QC, Shop drawing, which used to be for men only… At Coteccons and Unicons, there is no gender discrimination. All are given the same rights and development orientation. Moreover, during Tet holidays at Unicons, women are always given more priority. 

Wishes/messages to young women?

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thuy – Chief Accountant of Unicons: Working in a male environment is so much fun. It depends on how much effort you put in. Nothing is easy, so once you have chosen a career, be steadfast with it, try your best and you will succeed.  

Ms. Cao Thi Mai Le – Chief Accountant of Coteccons: Dare to step out of our comfort zone, must eliminate the “labels” that society gives us and the “labels” we give to ourselves! Women do not need to think about where and who we will work with. Nurture your ambition and make it into your motivation. That is all!  

Ms. Pham Xuan Thu – Director of Purchasing Division: Always trust yourself and your abilities. Be brave in facing every challenge and be willing to try new things. Understand yourself. Just change the apostrophe, the “impossible” will become “I’m possible”.  

Ms. Dao Cam An – Site Secretary of LEGO: On a project where partners and customers come from many different countries, the issue of gender equality is always raised. However, women in the construction industry sometimes have a “strong” temperament, but men, do not forget our “softness”!

Ms. Pham Nguyen Thuy Tien – Site Secretary of Vinhomes Grand Park: To all the women who want to work in the construction industry: there is nothing to be afraid of, nothing to be shy about, just come in and experience. We are priority, the only individual, are loved and cared for. There have been many women who work in construction and are happy with the job they chose. 


– In support of the Green Vietnam project, Coteccons pledges to donate one green tree for each athlete who completes 5 km. – 11,000 trees in each province will contribute to the goal of planting primary forests in Quang Binh and Quang Tri.   Ho Chi Minh City, June 18, 2024 – Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (HoSE: CTD) in partnership with Tuoi Tre Newspaper, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Long An Province and Dong Tam Company held a Press Conference to announce the launch of the third season of GreenUP Marathon – Long An Half Marathon 2024 with the message “Run beyond the finish line”. The running event is expected to attract more than 4,000 athletes to participate in Can Giuoc District, Long An Province on August 24, 2024, with 3 distances: 5km – 10km – 21km. Accordingly, the Organizing Committee offers a special prize, which is an airplane ticket and a ticket to participate in the Laguna Phuket Marathon, taking place in Thailand in 2025 for the First Male – First Female position at the 21km distance. The first marathon to cross an international port in Vietnam Keeping the criteria of a unique running route, GreenUP Marathon season 3 gives athletes a different experience with a unique running route – through Long An International Port, the export and import center of the Mekong Delta region, or a chance to admire the tallest flagpole in Indochina with a windy view of the Soai Rap river channel,

On December 18, the press conference to kick off the program “Xay Tet 2024” (Build Tet 2024) was held at the Headquarters of Nhan Dan Newspaper (Hanoi) by Coteccons and Nhan Dan Newspaper.   Grateful to the vulnerable, “on whose shoulders we stand for economic development” Mr. Bolat Duisenov, Chairman of the BOD of Coteccons, started the speech with two photos capturing the working moments of workers at the construction site. The photo is beautiful thanks to the effects of sunlight, construction dust, and the majestic space, but behind it is the harsh reality that workers face every day: a heat level of up to 44 degrees Celsius radiating from the aluminum and glass surface, a height of several tens of meters where workers must hang on ropes, etc. What is even more stressful is ensuring the project progresses safely. “The picture is beautiful, but it is essentially a very hard job. They sacrifice a lot every day,” shared Mr. Bolat He called construction workers “the most vulnerable group in the construction industry value chain.” They are also the motivation for Coteccons, with the support and co-organization of Nhan Dan Newspaper, to carry out the program “Xay Tet 2024” to bring a warm and happy spring to workers. Accordingly, “Build Tet 2024″ starts from December 23, 2023, to January 2024 on construction sites across 3 regions of the country, such as Hanoi, Hung Yen, Quang Ninh, Quang Ngai, and Ho Chi Minh City. Minh, Binh Duong…, in which the

On December 8th, 2023, Coteccons & Unicons were honored to receive the awards of Top 500 Vietnam Best Employer (VBE500) and Top 10 Vietnam Best Workplace (VBW10) of the VBE500 and VBW10 rankings by Viet Research, in coordination with the Vietnam Investment Review publishing unit. This recognition was the result of Coteccons and Unicons in recent years having made efforts to restructure the human resources management system to follow the times. Despite many employment challenges, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, we at Coteccons consider this an opportunity for the human resources industry and have transformed strongly.  We understand that human resource management is not only about creating achievements by creating jobs, rewarding employees, creating a sustainable working environment, and having good and stable business results, but also how to promote and raise awareness among the community, businesses, and workers about image, reputation, and the importance of using “human capital.” We focus on creating a unique OWN IT culture to promote individuals’ potential and give opportunities to move quickly, applying technology to evaluate and monitor the development process of employees to serve the development focus on human resources (Learning and Development), and restructuring C&B closer to multinational companies to attract more talented human resources for the diversification strategy. Promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) is a specific action of commitment to sustainable development in which the human element is the key to all actions, not only helping to build the employer’s branding but also creating high-quality human resources to increase

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