Each completed charity house in Huong Phung commune gives one more child the opportunity to go to school.

A house is not only a place to live, but it also opens the door for children in Huong Phung commune to have the opportunity to go to school, learn letters, and gain knowledge. Their future will be brighter, no longer hanging around in poor neighborhoods.

We landed at Phu Bai airport and then continued to move by car to Huong Phung commune, Quang Tri province. The journey lasted nearly 5 hours. The distance was not too long, but the closer we reached the destination, the more dangerous the roads were due to landslides.

Huong Phung commune, located near the Lao Bao international border gate, is one of the poorest mountainous communes in Quang Tri province. This place endures all the harshest weather in the Western Quang Tri region. When it is sunny, the wind blows fiercely; when it rains, it is pouring rain. Because of that, the people here always live in poor and difficult conditions.

Every time it rains, and floods come, houses, fields, and gardens are flushed in the flood. Last year, the houses of the Van Kieu ethnic group living there were all washed away. All that remained were tears and worries about a home when Tet was coming close.

A house is more than just a home…

The flood in the Central region derives everything, not only property but also trust. If it is simply a donation of clothes and food, the consequences of the floods will still exist. It is said that the house is the most valuable asset of each family, the house is not only a material property, but it also carries a lot of spiritual meaning.

That is why we were determined to rebuild more solid and permanent homes for the Van Kieu ethnic people in Huong Phung commune.

Given the difficult terrain in Huong Phung commune, we had to find every way and every method of how to build solid houses in the shortest time. Each house handed over to the ethnic people had not only to ensure flood prevention, but also had to conform to their customs and habits, and in time to help them prepare for the New Year of the Ox.

The method that Coteccons, the main contractor and sponsor of 20 houses, chose to build was to use Nucewall panels, reinforced with porous concrete in the middle, and outside Cement panels. With a “speedy” progress of 1 day of foundation, 2 days of completion, and a total of only 3 days, it was possible to complete and hand over the house in time for people there to celebrate the Tet holiday.

Before that, on December 28, 2020, we were there to start the construction of 17 houses and repair of 3 charity houses for the people. Now, we are back proudly when 20 houses have been completed, beautiful and solid in the middle of the unspoiled land.

Seeing people’s joy in getting their own homes, we know we have just done the right thing.

… but also an opportunity for children here to go to school

  • What grade are you in?
  • Third grade.
  • Do you like going to school?
  • I like it very much. But if we don’t have a home, we probably won’t go to school.

The boy who lives in the commune innocently told us when we got there to survey. The boy’s words made us feel constant pain in our hearts.

In order to build a solid house, the Van Kieu ethnic people here often have to work hard for many years. And that means, in the case of losing their home, the children here will have to drop out of school to help their parents and earn money to rebuild the house. When the flash flood passed, everything in this place returned to nothing. What was left was the bare land, and the people had no place to live.

If they don’t go to school, the children will follow their parents to the fields every day, and then later get married at an age where they should have just entered middle school or high school without knowing the other worlds in the distance.

Many reasons hinder the schooling journey of Van Kieu ethnic children in Huong Phung commune. But we believe that these solid and sustainable houses will help children get to school. When there is a home, and a safe place to hide, the livelihood will be less difficult, and learning can come to them.

A house is not only a place to live, but it also opens the door for children in Huong Phung commune to have the opportunity to go to school, learn letters, and gain knowledge. Their future will be brighter, no longer hanging around in poor neighborhoods.


The journey to bring charity houses to the people of Huong Phung commune was tough, but for us, it was an emotional journey.

Indeed, the wishes for the good of and the enormous efforts devoted to the community have brought ripe fruit. Looking at the faces and the bright smiles on the faces of the people when they were given houses, we felt happy and peaceful.

Twenty houses in Huong Phung commune are the very first project in the charity program that we – Coteccons and Unicons wish to contribute to society. In the coming time, we will continue our journey to bring charity houses to people in need.



– In support of the Green Vietnam project, Coteccons pledges to donate one green tree for each athlete who completes 5 km. – 11,000 trees in each province will contribute to the goal of planting primary forests in Quang Binh and Quang Tri.   Ho Chi Minh City, June 18, 2024 – Coteccons Construction Joint Stock Company (HoSE: CTD) in partnership with Tuoi Tre Newspaper, Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Long An Province and Dong Tam Company held a Press Conference to announce the launch of the third season of GreenUP Marathon – Long An Half Marathon 2024 with the message “Run beyond the finish line”. The running event is expected to attract more than 4,000 athletes to participate in Can Giuoc District, Long An Province on August 24, 2024, with 3 distances: 5km – 10km – 21km. Accordingly, the Organizing Committee offers a special prize, which is an airplane ticket and a ticket to participate in the Laguna Phuket Marathon, taking place in Thailand in 2025 for the First Male – First Female position at the 21km distance. The first marathon to cross an international port in Vietnam Keeping the criteria of a unique running route, GreenUP Marathon season 3 gives athletes a different experience with a unique running route – through Long An International Port, the export and import center of the Mekong Delta region, or a chance to admire the tallest flagpole in Indochina with a windy view of the Soai Rap river channel,

In a male-dominated field like the construction industry, what role do women play? At Coteccons Group, we create an equal environment for everyone to develop together without “labeling” gender.   At Coteccons Group, women can be not only the supporting team but also the core personnel who step out to make trillion-dollar deals or devise strategies on human resources, purchasing, etc. On International Women’s Day, let us meet typical female figures at Coteccons Group and hear them share their stories about working in a ‘man’s kingdom’.    Are there any stereotypes/prejudice about women in the construction industry that are difficult to eliminate?   Ms. Nguyen Tran Thuc Anh – Head of the Board of Investment: Stereotypes are nothing more than a comparison of “gender power”. In a field like construction, if there is something that needs to change, I think it would be “equality in mindset“. Stop talking about gender differences and talk about work efficiency. That is equality!   Ms. Tran Thi Lieu Vinh – Director of Administration & Sustainable Development: “Can’t do heavy work”, “not strong enough in communication”, “have to take care of family”… are the labels that society has been attaching to women when it comes to the construction industry. This perspective makes the female gender a minus in the industry. People also think that women in the construction industry are less ‘feminine’ due to the nature of the job, which involves working a lot with men, heavy work, dusty construction site environments, and always having to

On December 18, the press conference to kick off the program “Xay Tet 2024” (Build Tet 2024) was held at the Headquarters of Nhan Dan Newspaper (Hanoi) by Coteccons and Nhan Dan Newspaper.   Grateful to the vulnerable, “on whose shoulders we stand for economic development” Mr. Bolat Duisenov, Chairman of the BOD of Coteccons, started the speech with two photos capturing the working moments of workers at the construction site. The photo is beautiful thanks to the effects of sunlight, construction dust, and the majestic space, but behind it is the harsh reality that workers face every day: a heat level of up to 44 degrees Celsius radiating from the aluminum and glass surface, a height of several tens of meters where workers must hang on ropes, etc. What is even more stressful is ensuring the project progresses safely. “The picture is beautiful, but it is essentially a very hard job. They sacrifice a lot every day,” shared Mr. Bolat He called construction workers “the most vulnerable group in the construction industry value chain.” They are also the motivation for Coteccons, with the support and co-organization of Nhan Dan Newspaper, to carry out the program “Xay Tet 2024” to bring a warm and happy spring to workers. Accordingly, “Build Tet 2024″ starts from December 23, 2023, to January 2024 on construction sites across 3 regions of the country, such as Hanoi, Hung Yen, Quang Ninh, Quang Ngai, and Ho Chi Minh City. Minh, Binh Duong…, in which the

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